A travel through Italian Wine and Music

A travel through Italian Wine and Music


Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel
Thursday June 3rd
7:30 pm


[vc_btn title=”Tickets” style=”classic” shape=”square” color=”black” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftidligmusikk.hoopla.no%2Fsales%2Fvin-og-musikk||target:%20_blank|”]

Vigleik Storaas Solo

One of Norway’s most renowned wine connoisseurs, Ulf Dalheim, brings us on a journey to the 17th century Italian landscape of wine and music. Italian baroque music is like wine: it emerged from the lush Italian hills and travelled to celebrated cities, Sienna, Florence, Bologna, Venice… Enjoy Italian baroque music, performed by a selection of festival musicians, with the taste of exquisite Italian wine linked to the music.


Ulf Dalheim, wine connoisseur
Erik Skanke Høsøien, guitar instruments
Jørgen Skogmo, guitar instruments
Martin Wåhlberg, bass violin