Monteverdi, Vespro della Beata Vergine

Monteverdi, Vespro della Beata Vergine


Vår Frue Kirke
Monday January 27th

Monteverdi, Vespro della Beata Vergine

The masterfully crafted music by Monteverdi, published in 1610, especially intended for the evening service of the Vesper, is certainly one of the greatest collections of masterpieces ever written for performance in church. Orkester Nord offers a rendering highlighting the art of the contemporary masters of painting, the chiaroscuro. Just like them, Monteverdi’s brushes the couleurs and contrasts from the Holy Scriptures with infinite control of detail and contrast. Experience the Vespers in this lavish production, bringing to life the light of this Italian music form Southern Europe in the middle of the Nordic night.



Gunhild Alsvik, Giuseppina Bridelli
Anaïs Yvoz, Anthea Pichanick
Jan van Elsacker, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani
Håvard Stensvold, Eric Ander

Orkester Nord
Martin Wåhlberg
Vox Nidrosiensis